What's happening in humanity today? There are changes everywhere, on every level. Open your eyes and see them; they are the Truth - as close to it as we can get. Or better yet: open your heart and feel them.
Discomfort happens when old templates break apart to make space for new ones to evolve. We are in a period of vast human evolution. There is widespread agreement that the human race is undergoing massive restructuring on a DNA level right now. Think that's crazy? Think I'm crazy?
To the mind, that does sound crazy; yet it is happening. Why do you think things feel so dammed uncomfortable right now? There's so much tension in folks - strong opinions and preferences; people taking sides; divisions; intense reactions; overblown emotions.... it's all fear. Folks are afraid of the changes they feel yet cannot name, explain, or control; no one knows how their life will be affected; fear of the unknown. The mind cannot comprehend what's happening; it's not meant to. This is an energetic shift as much as a physical one. Everything we thought we knew is being redesigned; it's an uncomfortable process! Death of the old; birth of the new...
Not everyone will survive it, but the reality is that we never know how much of our day we will survive anyway. Maybe today - maybe this moment - is the moment of our departure... Maybe the next moment is. We never know when that moment will come - when Lady Death will tap her long finger on our shoulder and beckon us to take our last breath here. As for me, I've got just over 4 months left, symbolically speaking; but it could be much sooner than that, or much later...
Consider two things: 1) this explanation from Steve Rother: "One of the big points ... was about the physical body. With the physical re-wire of humanity well underway the next stage is releasing the old human templates that hold us. As these templates first release there can be an energetic vulnerability to the physical body. In fact, ... during these times humans are much closer to home and it is an easy step to cross the line of life and death... during this period on Earth many will be leaving to take a new position... all humans (are) closer to death than we imagined. The line between life and death is now closer to us than we imagined. Now we have a choice: Do we go into fear over that or do we live every day as if it’s our last? Yet another reason for us to be on purpose."
And 2) your life and what you really want to do with the rest of it - how ever much is left of it...
I don't think you're crazy at all. All that you are saying in this post is Why I high tailed it out of San Francisco. Percentage wise it's highest on the list of all the reasons-in a manner of speaking.