We've been watching a Momma raise twin fawns all season, but this is our first birth... EVER.
The tiny little fawn walked right up to me, calling as she approached, sniffed my hand and let me pat her on the head before she realized, "Hey - you're not like the rest of us!" and backed off back to Momma!
Now, she is curled up and sleeping quietly in our front flower bed... What a precious baby!
We don't like to get too friendly with the wildlife around here, to respect their wildness. Yet I do choose to feed the pregnant and nursing Mommas during the summer to give them a little extra nutritional support. Otherwise, they are on their own. There are still a couple of pregnant doe out there; we'll see if we get another batch of babies before the season's end.
What a sacred balance to all the focusing on death and endings, to see such beautiful life and beginnings... What a great reminder of that infinite cycle of which we are all a part. And isn't it nice to know that such beautiful life continues to spring forth even in our absence after death?
This was not something I had on my bucket-list, yet it is certainly "bucket-list worthy..." :)
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