Yet, what the movie exposes feels so important for every single one of us to integrate - really integrate - into our Beings. If we don't and we continue to rest into a state of complacent denial, we're allowing a complete compromise of integrity to overtake this nation and beyond - a compromise that comes down to utter disrespect, irresponsibility and what can be considered criminal activity by those in power.

I simply don't see any. We live beneath a smokescreen so thick that we can't see the truth, and that's just the way those in power like it to be. It's a complete hijacking of our personal freedom in my view - undeniable, reprehensible and the epitome of criminal.
Seeing this in a movie is one thing; taking personal action is another. There are many places in my life where I take personal action in support of what I believe in. The food I buy is one of those places. But even that only goes so far when those controlling the system have the power to create whatever they want without our agreement or knowledge.
If we all stopped long enough to take an intimate look at the truth of what's being created here, we might shudder in disgust, but we might also be moved by inspiration to make changes. It's time, folks. It's time for all of us to take a radically honest look at ourselves, our behavior and our creations so that we can bring some integrity - by the dictionary's definition, "moral uprightness, honesty, wholeness, soundness" - back into LIFE as we experience it here on this Planet. Right now, we are not doing so; we are not there...not even close.
A Year To Love?? My heart opens in deep gratitude to all those standing in integrity, and opens in invitation to all those who don't.
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